Tampa’s Belmora Salon sports a new backlit sign that advertises day and night! Looking your best is what this business is all about and they know the value of appearances. A new sign continues to give a great impression while showcasing their location. The sign is actually two-fold. The main signage that bears the salon’s name consists of day/night channel letters that uses LED lighting. The perforated face allows it to appear as black lettering during the day, and backlit white letters at night! They are raised off the exterior building front by means of a raceway that has been custom painted to match the building. The letters now have an additional 3D effect, while the raceway “disappears” into the building.
The second part of this sign dons the salon’s tag line. This is a white can sign with black vinyl letters. It hangs below the main signage by means of custom painted pole brackets descending from the raceway. The can sign is also backlit for maximum visibility no matter what the weather forecast. The use of black vinyl letters allows for versatility. They are long-lasting but removable incase a business chooses to change their message. This allows a business to continue to grow, advertising new specialties or methods as new processes become more popular. The endless sizes and typestyles of vinyl lettering gives you options to change the mood of your outdoor signage and/or the message.
Combination signs may be just what your business needs, especially if the name of your business does not identify the type of business or services you are offering. Many customers have found this useful and have been very creative, making a custom sign that is not only eye-catching, but fulfills their branding and advertising needs. If your business name is not enough to tell a future customer what type of business you are, your sign is not doing enough for you. Consider adding a box sign that includes your specification or tag line to enhance your existing exterior building signage.
Other Tampa area businesses that haven chosen to utilize the day/night channel letters like Belmora Spa, include Apex Dental and Blick Law. The black letters in the daytime and the white lighted letters at night truly make for the optimum visibility anytime of day. Dark skies on a stormy day are also brightened by these illuminated signs and your advertising is still at work. When considering outdoor signage for your business, keep these two options in mind. Your signage is important, so make sure it is doing all it can for you! Call our experts today at Premier Signs of Tampa by calling 813-914-7006 or email us at: info@premiersignsfl.com.