The goal of a monument sign is to catch current and future customer’s attention. With many different ways to design a monument sign, this is possible.

When working with Laser Locators, the design was created to match the color of the building and also to make a statement.

laer 1 laser2 laser3

In terms of the aluminum monument, it was painted and then electronics were installed to accompany the LED Lights. In order to have this sign stand out, it was agreed upon that blue LED lights would be used instead of white ones, making the sign not only unique but very appealing. This feature would definitely set this company apart from other monument signs.

The beauty about illuminated monument signs are that you have a choice to do a single sided sign or a double sided sign. The aluminum face that the sign sits in can also be customized to any color you may please.

The monument sign is also referred to as a ground sign.  the common fabrication is aluminum but they also can be made from High Density Foam.  Foam monuments are very good and last outdoors.  The letters are commonly done in acrylic.

The monument sign, also known as a ground sign, can be made in both an aluminum finish or a high density foam. We recommend the foam monuments because they last a long time outdoors. The letters on the sign are mostly made out of acrylic. From the sign frame all the way to the letters, it’s all customizable for the most part.


Zamora monument 1






There are many different options and ways you can set your business apart from others. One very important way is making a sign that STANDS out! Please call us with any questions 813-914-7006 or send us an email at .