When advertising, it is extremely important to use every possible surface to grab the customers attention. Floor graphics are a great way to catch the attention of the audience you’re trying to reach. These inexpensive, yet highly effective floor graphics, are great for retail sales and promotions, product advertisement and much more. Often times people have seen floor graphics at sporting events such as basketball games. However, floor graphics can be used to advertise amongst various Tampa Bay locations. Printed on a removable aluminum adhesive, it is easy to create a design that will direct customers in the right direction, advertise a product or simply make a statement. No matter if it’s brand identity, safety messages or directional information, floor graphics are the way to go. It is easy to use the floor graphics on parking curbs to signal the spot is saved for someone with a title or a visitor. Not only can they be used to reserve parking spaces, but these floor graphics can also be installed on curbs to give direction. Property Managers like the ability to conform a sign message on a round column in a parking garage. The best part of it all is that this product is easily removable and will not leave any residue. No matter if the floor is made of concrete, carpet, wood, tile or asphalt, promoting your brand and attracting the customers is feasible with a floor graphic. At Premier Signs, floor graphics can be customized and designed quickly and efficiently for you!
Step-by-Step Installation
- Make sure the surface where the graphic is going to be installed is cleared and clean.
- Locate the exact position on the floor that your graphic will be placed.
- After you align the graphic, turn the graphic face down and partially remove the back liner.
- Position on the floor and squeegee the front of the graphic in an up and down motion while removing the back of the liner until it is completely stuck to the floor.
Call us at 813-914-7006 or email us : info@premiersignsfl.com