There are many shapes, sizes and colors of business exteriors, and that’s not all that makes them unique. Somethings are provided by nature and your company’s location, like trees, lakes, other businesses and their signage. Some provide ambiance, some may even be obstructions, but most of them are out of your control. So, when choosing your exterior signage, all of these must be considered especially when looking to put letters on your exterior wall.

Two recent installations for Premier Signs of Tampa are great examples of utilizing your exterior’s uniqueness for the perfect exterior sign selections. Sherloq Solutions is located in a large white building, where the building’s exterior lines are very simple and clean.There are parking spaces directly in front of the building and the landscaping comes with mature palm trees. They chose two sizes of flat, acrylic letters to spell out their name. These acrylic letters came with all the options they needed, like varying sizes, colors and text styles. Their logo is comprised of a sleek, simple text all out of black, except for the “Q” that is in a bright red. The letters are all large enough to be seen from the street, especially those spelling their name. They are also placed high enough on the exterior building wall to be seen over any vehicles park out front, but below the palms. The high wall installation was facilitated by the fact that acrylic letters are intrinsically lightweight. The exterior is now complete and the sign fits perfectly with its surroundings.

Florida Eye Specialists have many locations throughout the Tampa Bay area, and are therefore very familiar with the uniqueness of building exteriors. This particular location provided great sign positioning because it came with a front entrance covered walkway. The roof side soffits of the walkway extend into the front parking lot providing a long, two sided space to put their name. They have a uniform logo style that they use at all locations. It consists of 3 dimensional channel letters in white and a two piece blue symbol that accompanies them. An identical set was installed on both sides, right next to their address numbers. High above any obstructions on the flat, dark grey roof soffit, the dimensional white letters and blue symbol are highly visible and easy to read. This is another great pairing of choosing the right sign letters for the building’s exterior.

Pair up with the sign experts at Premier Signs of Tampa and you, too, can have the perfect exterior building signage. Call today at 813-914-7006 or email to