Either way, bad weather threatening the Florida coast, or personal emergency, reminds us how important it is to be able to identify a safe harbor, whether in the blinding rain or dark of night. It also reminds us that if your customer has a hard time seeing your exterior business signage, it’s not doing its job. LED backlighting should be a priority for your next sign.
Premier Signs of Tampa has the experience of fabricating and installing many outdoor business signs that include LED lighting. Let them guide you through the process.
Some of the most popular LED backlit signs are channel letter signs. Installation applications vary, from individual letter direct mount, like this example of Precinct Pizza’s sign, to letters mounted on a painted raceway. Precinct Pizza Restaurant of Tampa is also an example of individual lighted letters that have a second LED color creating a halo effect. Not only does it add dimension to the name, but allowed them to use an additional logo color. This picture shows an exterior sign welcoming customers and passersby while the night sky darkens. This friendly sign with a halo effect provides brand marketing and commands more attention than other signs in the same shopping center or neighborhood, ensuring that your outdoor advertising is effective.
Lighting up your exterior signage with channel letters is easy because they come in many sizes, typefaces and colors. This makes the duplicating of your logo much easier. The many retail locations are perfect examples of the use of LED channel letters.
They also make use of a raceway to mount the channel letters and disguise the LED wiring, which is another popular installation technique. A raceway creates its own dimensional effect because it lifts the sign off of the building’s wall. Signs seem to float out from an exterior business wall when the raceway is color matched to the exterior wall making the raceway seem to disappear.
There are lots of other options for your LED signage, including the ability to add additional signage to the raceway. Likewise, there are many ways your logo, or a distinctive symbol, like this fish, can be added by drop down poles, also color matched, or attached beside your letters on the raceway. Sometimes your name does not explain your business or services, so additional signs are necessary. These “can” signs enable you to display more information are also able to be LED lighted.
A popular spot for a backlit sign is over your exterior entrance and attached to your exterior business wall, but LED lighting can enhance any sign. Another location is on the outer perimeter of your property, close to the street, or seen from a highway. That’s when a pole sign, hanging high in the air, comes in to play. It enables your signage to be seen, even from quite a distance, and 24/7,with the addition of LEDs.
Other signs that LED lighting amplifies are monuments. Lighting up the entranceway to your property, providing direction and adding to your security are all perks to adding lighting to your monument sign.
So when looking to replace, upgrade, or add new signs to your outdoor business signage, be sure to consider what LED backlit signs can do for your business. Next, contact the experts at Premier Signs of Tampa. Here’s how:
Call 813-914-7006 or email info@premiersignsfl.com. today.